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Configuring font sizes and screens

  • You can configure "to" and "from" <fontSize>s using the theme.fontSize section of your Tailwind config file.

    You can configure your own custom set of "from" <fontSize>s using the theme.fontSizeFrom section of your Tailwind config file, and your own custom set of "to" <fontSize>s using the theme.fontSizeTo section of your Tailwind config file.

    theme.fontSizeFrom and theme.fontSizeTo values accept a <screen>. See Usage: Font sizes and screens for screen value requirements and limitations.

  • You can configure "to" and "from" <screen>s using the theme.screens section of your Tailwind config file.

    You can also configure them in the theme.fontSizeScreens section of your Tailwind config file. Use valid theme.screens values.

    And you can configure "from" <screen>s using the theme.fontSizeFromScreens section of your Tailwind config file, and "to" <screen>s using the theme.fontSizeToScreens section. Use valid theme.screens values.


See Usage: Font sizes and screens for value requirements and limitations.

  // …
  theme: {
    extends: {
      fontSize: {
        // this is vanilla Tailwind
        // can use as <fontSize> in text-from-* and text-to-*
        a: '47px',
        b: ['7rem', '4'],
        c: ['40px', { fontWeight: '7' }],
      screens: {
        // this is vanilla Tailwind
        // can use as <screen> in text-from-* and text-to-*

        d: '470px',
        e: { min: '740px' },
        f: { max: '74rem' },
    fontSizeFrom: ({ theme }) => ({
      // additional text-from-* <fontSize>s

      g: ['4rem', '7'],
      h: {
        fontSize: theme('fontSize.3xl'),
        screen: '714px',
    fontSizeFromScreens: {
      // additional text-from-* <screen>s

      i: '77rem',
    fontSizeScreens: {
      // additional text-from-* and text-to-* <screen>s
      // in case of key conflict with fontSizeFromScreens or fontSizeToScreens,
      // fontSize(From|To)Screens wins out over fontSizeScreens

      j: '474px',
    fontSizeTo: ({ theme }) => ({
      // additional text-to-* <fontSize>s

      k: {
        fontSize: ['47px', {
          lineHeight: '40px',
          fontWeight: '500',
        screen: theme('screens.xl'),
    fontSizeToScreens: {
      // additional text-to-* <screen>s

      l: { min: '747px' },
  // …